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Education Assistant


Soofy is an innovative AI-powered language learning tool that can help you quickly and easily learn a new language. With

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mechanic for a chat
Customer Support

Mechanic For A Chat

Mechanic For A Chat is an online troubleshooting mechanic chatbot designed to assist car owners with vehicle-related issues. With this

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watchnow ai
Fun Tools

WatchNow AI

WatchNow AI is an AI-powered platform that helps users find new movies and shows. It uses ChatGPT, a natural language

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dream interpreter
Fun Tools

Dream Interpreter

Dream Interpreter is a technology that helps people interpret their dreams’ hidden meanings. With Dream Interpreter AI, users can track

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resume worded
Human Resources

Resume Worded

Resume Worded is an AI-powered platform designed to help job seekers land more opportunities. It provides instant feedback on resumes

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woebot health

Woebot Health

Woebot Health is the world’s first mental health ally for people and businesses. It is powered by AI-powered therapeutic technology

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Education Assistant


Onesta Finance is a financial advisor search platform designed to help people find the best financial advisor to meet their

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