This Model Does Not Exist as an AI-generated photo-sharing platform. It posts daily photos of its “life” on Instagram, and users can help pick the photo of the day by upvoting their favorites. The photos are generated using generative adversarial networks (GANs). GANs are artificial intelligence that uses two neural networks to create realistic images from scratch.
This Model Does Not Exist also has a sister site called This Cat Does Not Exist, which generates cats instead of people. Every once in a while, the cats have visual deformities due to imperfections in the model – beware, they can cause nightmares!
In addition to being used for photo-sharing platforms, GANs are also used for other applications such as natural language processing and video game development. They can generate data for machine learning models or create virtual environments for training autonomous agents.
Overall, This Model Does Not Exist as an interesting way to explore the capabilities of GANs and how they can be used creatively.